Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Days 22 - 23

Day 22
Back in the routine today.  I was finally able to reunite with my training partner, who had been out of town for most of the previous two weeks.  Due to our lack of consistency, we decided to add an additional week of Phase 1 (which is supposed to be a three-week cycle).  Therefore, the goal for the week is to get in six consecutive days of p90x workouts.  We got off to a good start today, fully completing the intense chest & back workout.  I had pretty balanced meals (lots of protein and veggies) and drank a bunch of water.  We even had a protein shake after the workout - my first ever.  During the noon hour I did a quick 15 minute up-hill "sprint" on my bike, and in the evening I mowed the lawn.  I got about 8 hours of sleep, which is huge for me.  All in all, it was a very balanced day.

Day 23
We really got after it on Plyometrics.  My legs were pretty heavy from some biking and walking the previous day.  The warm-up really helped get me ready for jumping around.  I noticed increased stamina throughout the elements today, which allowed me to increase range of motion.  Another day of balanced eating...until supper, which included a breaded chicken breast and a scoop of ice cream.  Lots of water, carrots, and apples afterwards helped me feel a little less gross.

I was pleased to have a couple of people comment that I appear to be losing weight, especially in my face.  I'm not sure that's the case, but it was affirming to have some people notice.

I intentionally didn't take "before" pictures and measurements because I didn't want to be motivated by those kinds of metrics.  The goal for me is balance and wellness.  I'm hoping that I will lose some weight and become more physically fit.  However, I don't want those to be the most important things.  I want exercise, healthy eating, and good sleep to be a part of my life, regardless of whether or not I look good with my shirt off.

Tomorrow is shoulders and arms - one of my two least favorite days (Yoga being the other).

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