Friday, May 20, 2011

Day 18

Yoga X.

I chose to end the day with yoga, mainly because I was up super late the night before and didn't want to fall asleep or pass out with an early start to the day.  Doing yoga at night was a good way to bring my mind and body into focus.  I think I sweat more during yoga than any of the other workouts.  Holding the various poses for an extended period of time, especially the balancing ones, is really hard.  From my perspective, anyone who think yoga is easy hasn't done yoga.  I still sucked at the crane position (among others) but found myself less confused with the nomenclature - downward dog, warrior 2, child's pose, etc. - than the first time I did yoga.

I'm learning to like the oms at the end.  I like how Tony puts it, "it's not a cult or a religion, it's just oms."  90 minutes of yoga makes me extremely flexible and tired.

Prior to the workout, my family went on a six-mile bike ride.  We have a trailer bike that my four-year old son rides with me.  My bike seat got loose and wouldn't hold its position, so I had to ride about two miles standing up.  This was awkward with the trailer bike, but it really worked my calves and quads.

All in all, it was a solid day.  I ate two hamburgers for supper at an open house event at the local police station.  I refrained from cheese, chips, soda, and dessert; opting instead for baked beans and water.  Other than that, I had another good day of eating.

I leave for a two-day conference tomorrow.  I think I'm going to try going for a run instead of doing the legs and back workout.  Maybe I can do that workout the following day instead of Kenpo X.  Or something like that.

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