Monday, June 6, 2011

Days 35 & 36

Day 35
Today was a rest day on the schedule.  I took the opportunity to turn back the clock and consume old-Erik levels of calories, fat, salt, and soda.  I had a 14-hour work day, and most of it was the not-very-fun variety.  Eating my feelings seemed like the way to go.  Donut holes, a gyro, onion rings, french fries, pizza, real Mountain Dew, and three bowls of cereal.  It felt good...and also gross.  Time to get back at it tomorrow.

Day 36
Travel schedules prevented me from exercising with my workout partner, so I waited until late-afternoon for my first attempt at Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps.  Today is the first day of Phase 2.  With the "recovery" week over, I'm ready to get back into lifting weights and using resistance bands.  (I don't think I could handle much more rolling around on the ground.)  This was a very challenging workout, especially with 20 minutes of abs afterwards.  Most of the advanced push-up elements were still done from my knees.  My triceps were very sore throughout.  Despite high heat and humidity in my garage, I was able to stay with most of the workout.  I still take little mid-set breaks, especially with some of the ab/core elements.  It felt good to try a new workout, even though I was sweating like crazy and sore as hell.

Eating was better today.  More fruits and veggies, lots of water, increased protein, and smaller portions.  Hopefully this is a start to a good week ahead of me!

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