Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 34

Core Synergistics.

I woke up with sore legs from the bike ride the night before.  I had today's workout on my mind most of the day - equally determined (to not suck again) and terrified (of sucking again).  I was careful with what I ate, knowing I would exercise late-afternoon.  I even tried my first taste of grilled tilapia for lunch...which wasn't awful.

The workout was still pretty rough, but I made it through.  I wasn't able to keep up with the pros on the DVD, but I did participate in each element with a few modifications.  I still felt like crap afterwards and didn't have much of an appetite until very late at night.

I'm discovering that I don't know that I've ever had strong "core" muscles.  I always skipped the post-run crunches I was supposed to do when I ran cross country and track in high school...and that was when I was when I was most physically fit.  Even when I was training for a marathon in 2004, logging a bunch of miles and lifting weights 3-4 times a week, I hardly did any intentional work on my core.  This discovery is helpful because it keeps me from getting defeated.  I need to remember to celebrate small improvements and continue to challenge myself to work hard every time.

I had enough left in the tank to do some yard work and mow the lawn in the evening, which wasn't the case the last time I did this workout.

Little by little...

I'm excited for a day off tomorrow!

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