Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 0

It is with fear and nervousness that I enter into the P90X commitment. I've seen the late-night infomercials for years. I've heard all the buzz about how it makes fatasses look awesome. I haven't taken the leap for a variety of reasons...but now, I need to give it a try.

In the last 2 years I've joined two gyms, started-and-stopped running at least four times, and attempted dieting and fasting on multiple occasions. At this point I'm desperate to kick-start my journey toward health and wholeness.

Shortly before our son was born in 2004, I was training for a marathon. I was logging 25-30 miles per week and was in the best shape of my life. Since then, I've gained 60 pounds and become a fat slob. I don't expect that 90 days of workouts will reverse 6+ years of bad habits, but I want it to get me headed in the right direction.

Hopefully, I can lose some mass and gain some strength so it will be easier to run for fun, go on long bike rides, play basketball without getting winded, and maybe even take the kids swimming without being totally embarrassed.

The P90X voyage begins Monday, May 2 and ends Sunday, August 7. (Yes, that's actually 98 days - I'm taking off the week I spend on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in late June.)

 I will try to post reflections on the workouts each day, maybe even with an occasional picture.

I'll be most grateful for the accountability provided by blogging through P90X.

Thanks for reading.

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